Friday, November 14, 2008

Intolerant GLBT Bigots Protest Local Businesses

This is getting ridiculous. The GLBT bigots are now protesting a business because an employee had the nerve to voice an opinion that differed from theirs. If anyone within the sound of my voice lives near El Coyote, I think it would be a good time to patronize their restaurant.

Hundreds of protesters converged on El Coyote on Beverly Boulevard on Wednesday night, and the picketing got so heated that LAPD officers in riot gear had to be called.

All because Marjorie Christoffersen, a manager there and a daughter of El Coyote's owner, had contributed $100 to the Yes on 8 campaign.

Christoffersen, who is Mormon, met with protesters Wednesday and at one point broke down in tears, said Arnoldo Archila, another El Coyote manager. But the activists were not satisfied with her explanation and continued to post protests about her on the Web.

Full Article Here

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