This novel, written in 2006, tells the story of a man and his young son, who are one of the few remaining survivors of some unnamed cataclysmic event, and their struggles to survive the elements, evil bands of cannibals, and the overwhelming sense of hopelessness. Ultimately, this book is a love story between a man and his son, and their desire to survive when all hope seems lost.
The Road has won numerous awards and accolades, including the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 2007, the James Tait Black Memorial Prize for Fiction, an Oprah book of the month, and Entertainment Weekly named it the best book, fiction or non-fiction, for the past 25 years. It is also being made into a movie to be released this fall, starring Viggo Mortenson.
The Road struck a chord with me like few other books have, and I do not hesitate to say that this book made me cry more than once while reading it. The writing style of Cormac is descriptive, but sparse at the same time—he never mentions the name of the man or the boy, the cause of the apocalypse, nor does he focus on the horrors that two encounter. Instead, the story's sole focus is on the relationship between the Man and the Boy, and the man’s quest to protect his boy in a world that seems determined to destroy his innocence and his life.
The Road has won numerous awards and accolades, including the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 2007, the James Tait Black Memorial Prize for Fiction, an Oprah book of the month, and Entertainment Weekly named it the best book, fiction or non-fiction, for the past 25 years. It is also being made into a movie to be released this fall, starring Viggo Mortenson.
The Road struck a chord with me like few other books have, and I do not hesitate to say that this book made me cry more than once while reading it. The writing style of Cormac is descriptive, but sparse at the same time—he never mentions the name of the man or the boy, the cause of the apocalypse, nor does he focus on the horrors that two encounter. Instead, the story's sole focus is on the relationship between the Man and the Boy, and the man’s quest to protect his boy in a world that seems determined to destroy his innocence and his life.
I cannot recommend this book highly enough; it is easily one of the best books I've read, and it is one of the few books, that I plan on reading again.
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